When canned applications do not suffice, MSP can create alternative! At Micro Solutions we understand that running a company in today’s technology-driven business world sometimes requires “outside the box” solutions. We provide a wide range of application development and reporting services to help our customers fill the gaps left by their ERP software. We have contracted to create a wide range of custom applications- from help desk to calendar-based apps, database reporting to scoreboard displayed company data- we can provide your solution! Whether you are looking for a company to assist with the development of custom reports that connect to your company’s database driven ERP system, or your looking for a completely custom solution to a business need, Micro Solutions is your one stop source for all your custom programming needs. Our application development and reporting services include:
- .NET Application Development
- SQL Database Design
- SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) Reports
- Access to SQL Application Conversions
- Web Based Applications
- Intranets
- Custom Support Ticket Systems
- Mobile Applications (Android, and iPhone)
- WordPress Site Development and Hosting
- Mobile Web Application Development
Have a problem that requires an “outside the box” solution? Contact Micro Solutions today to see how we can help!
Interested? Call 215-996-9000 or email contact@msponline.com
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