STANDARDIZATION… Every IT Departments Ultimate Goal!
MSP urges all clients to work with us and computing manufacturers – Hewlett Packard, Lenovo, Dell – to determine a computer standard for your business. Once a model is chosen with a life cycle verified by the manufacturer, PCs, Notebooks and other computing devices can be purchased in volume with preloaded software images of your company’s standard software load. This allows for fast rollouts, fast restores if/when needed and ease in troubleshooting by being able to restore a system to its base load in a matter of minutes. Life cycles of models often extend out to 18 months. Computer systems can be ordered and delivered to your business “cloned” – with identical internal hardware components and software load.
This ultimately makes support services for your IT Department immensely easier, as like models are rolled out in volume. Technician handling help desk calls arrives to assist user having worked on a select model numerous times previously, knowing its features and how to troubleshoot & repair.
MSP provides this service as part of our partnership with your organization. We have a great track record of developing solid IT hardware standards for our customers, adhering to these standards, and reaping the time and cost savings of a standardized environment.
Interested? Call 215-996-9000 or email
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